Thursday 21 March 2013

Concours de Nouvelles

Hey Guys :)
Reverb organise un concours de nouvelles, avec un prix plus une publication dans le journal et sur le blog  pour les deux meilleurs.
Il n' y a pas de thème et vous pouvez écrire en anglais comme en français.
Bonne chance et à vos plumes !

Envoyez vos nouvelles ici avant le samedi 27 avril.

(Ouvert à tous sans exception : professeurs , élèves, surveillants...)

NB : Nous allons aussi organiser un concours photo dans les semaines a venir. 

Monday 18 March 2013

Compatibility issues

Dear viewers,
It has come to my attention that there are multiple compatibility issues when running this blog on Internet Explorer, because of that, I ask you to please either change your browser or be patient until these bugs are corrected.
Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome both work fine, you can download them free by clicking on their names (plus, for those who don't know, I'm the one in charge of the geek page, so all that is technology and software, and I highly recommend NOT using Internet Explorer as it is an awful browser (further explanations will come in an upcoming post).

Thank you,

The Reverb Team

Sunday 17 March 2013



While America recovers from Sandy and sees a ‘New’ President into office, Asia fights over rocks and France is in a tizz about competitiveness with its 'oh-so-normal’ president.

The textbooks children learn from in school serve to shape their young minds and national sentiments.

What goes in textbooks and worse, what doesn’t, spurs controversy all over the globe, be it for ethical, political or social reasons.
And so it should. School is our first step into society and books remain a powerful weapon. The Written Word with conviction is rarely forgotten.
Textbooks are amongst the first books most people encounter, and in some countries, alongside religious texts, the only ones.

A recent study in South Africa, according to the Economist, showed that fewer than half of pupils had access to more than ten books at home. And Egypt’s Government found that excluding books given out at school, “88% of Egyptian households read no books.”

From then onwards, you can be perceived as a threat to any ideological value, a potential destroyer of balance, an opposition to power… a danger.
And this is why the degree to which a government keeps control of the textbooks used in classrooms is a good, although imprecise, indication of its commitment to ideological control.

Where that yearning is strong, governments are likely to dot every “I” and cross every “T”. And even when everything we see, hear or read isn’t meticulously controlled by the government - with our best interest at heart - general opinions and school boards influence the groups that control textbook writing.
It is not surprising to note that the books likeliest to cause arguments are those covering history or geography, maps and religion both being important areas of dispute.
For example, take Palestinian and Israeli textbooks: both countries give a bias account of their history.
However they do not incite violence or hate against one another, they simply fail to depict today’s political reality.

George Orwell’s 1984 infers that “Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past”. Winston’s soul purpose is to write and rewrite history over and over again to keep the party’s glorious image clean and free of contradiction.
War becomes Peace, Peace becomes War; Lies become Reality and Reality become Lies.

“We are all products of our society”

Freethinkers have always been seen as a danger by some - mostly by those who oppress - but they play and have played a crucial role in matters of progress and change.
And those non-patriotic freethinkers are exactly what Beijing tried to eliminate in Hong Kong last July; tried but, thankfully, failed.
The Party attempted to introduce a new curriculum of “national education”, which included new history textbooks. Would you be surprised if I told you that, like on the Mainland, both the Cultural Revolution and the crackdown in Tiananmen Square were not to be spoken of in those ‘acceptable’ textbooks?

Where is the World’s ‘example’ in all this mind control business? Ah yes… evolution is their concern. Especially amongst Christian creationists who have long campaigned for science textbooks to contain a religious alternative to evolution through natural selection.
In Conservative Upstate New York many textbooks remain silent on contraceptives and underline that being sexually active “interferes” with students’ “values and family guidelines”.

France has no problem with man’s origins, but with economy.
Long have French textbooks been criticized for their regard towards the “capitalist way of doing things”, by largely favouring companies over entrepreneurs.

Ignorance is terrible. But a mind filled with other people’s opinions, a mind filled with other people’s thoughts, a mind like so many others… is worse.
We are all products of our society.

There is no escaping your childhood, what you learn day to day and hear minute to minute, these are the things that supposedly ‘make’ us who we are, and control the decisions we ‘make’.

Ah! Lucky are we to call ourselves free.
But every decision we make has a background, a foundation. Our decisions are founded on things that we have assimilated as ours, but are truly just another piece of the societal puzzle.

However, some do realize this, and it is that same acknowledgment that makes them different from another product, whereas others choose to react against society, which makes them no different.

Therefore, considering it is already bad enough that our thoughts escape our control, it is clear that textbooks should remain widely un-opinionated and become universal, so as to avoid further disseminating our so called ‘freedom’.

by Victoria Taittinger 

Just pick up the beat! ♪

Just pick up the beat!

Artpeggios is a brand new school of Music, Art and Performance that just opened on Earl’s Court Road, only 15 minutes walking or two tube stops from the Lycée. It offers a unique approach to music tuition with lessons that suit people of all abilities so that anyone can easily learn to master an instrument.
It is different in the sense that it isn’t a ‘traditional’ school – it is flexible and aims to be as fun as possible so that students enjoy themselves, and music and art become a pleasure rather than a chore. Lessons last between 30 minutes and an hour and are available in small groups of up to 4 so it’s a great opportunity to meet people with the same interests and learn in an entertaining way. 
The school’s 400 m2 are filled with band practise and one-to-one lesson rooms, DJing facilities, instruments, a recording and a composition studio and much more. Artpeggios’ teachers are talented, very friendly, and from diverse backgrounds, and the variety of courses it has to offer is huge. The most popular are guitar, piano, drums and singing lessons as well as Fine Art and DJing.
I interviewed Max Cartoux, who is a Lycée student as well as a DJ teacher at Artpeggios.

“DJing is using your creativity to make people dance”


Max started music when he was 4 and it has always been vital to him. It is something he cannot live without, his personal fuel to keep going. He sees DJing as “using your creativity to make people dance”, which is his favourite aspect of being a DJ: “seeing everybody dancing, jumping and screaming- listening to what you produce”. Of his achievements so far, those that he most enjoyed were mixing live for a radio station and hearing feedback from professionals, which he describes as “priceless”.

 “Teaching stands for sharing”

Max thinks Artpeggios is different because it isn’t just about teaching; it is about sharing creativity with new people, which is his favourite part of being a teacher there. He loves seeing students smiling because they are “living their dreams.”
He thinks the facilities are great and that “if you like playing music, this is the place to go!” Being an artist himself, Artpeggios is where he would have loved to spend his early music years. He also enjoys working with the Artpeggios team and believes all the staff and professional teachers are incredibly dedicated to what they do.

-Sophie Latham.

Check Max's Music : www. cartoux


+44 (0)20 7244 45 70

198-200 Earl’s Court Road



"And together with your help and God’s grace we will continue our journey forward and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on Earth." C'est avec ces mots, ponctués de l'habituel "God Bless America", que Barack Obama clos son "victory speech" (discours du vainqueur) ce 7 novembre 2012.

Effectivement, M. Obama est vainqueur. Il a remporté les élections présidentielles de 2012 face au candidat Républicain Mitt Romney, de 332 votes de grands électeurs à 206. Cet écart très étroit n'est pas à négliger cependant.

La grande majorité des américains sont aujourd'hui des Républicains qui, en partie, on décidé d'altérer leurs convictions légèrement en faveur de Barack Obama. Pourquoi ce détournement de Mitt Romney?

Tout d'abord, Mitt Romney a été considéré par de nombreuses personnes, parmi lesquels des journalistes, comme "extrémiste" dans ses convictions, obsédé par certains thèmes récurrents de la société américaine comme le mariage homosexuel ou l'avortement, ce qui semble lui avoir coûté une grande quantité de voix.

C'est du moins ce que suggère The Economist comme raison pour laquelle Mitt Romney n'as pas gagné. Car il s'agit bien de cela. De faire perdre Mitt Romney, et non, pour une partie de la population, de faire gagner Barack Obama.

Ce dernier a bénéficié du désaccord total de certaines personnes avec les idées du républicain ce qui a résulté en un vote en sa faveur, par élimination. L'un des seuls pays véritablement déçu par les élections pourrait être l'Israël en la personne du premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu, dont la réélection dépend aussi du nouveau président américain.
En effet Mitt Romney s'était prononcé en faveur de l'actuel premier ministre israélien. 30% des israéliens sont certains que M. Romney améliorera les relations diplomatiques entre les deux pays, alors que seulement 8% pensent ceci de M. Obama. Cependant, pour l'Europe et pour la Chine, il y avait tout intérêt à ce que M. Obama renouvelle son mandat, Romney s'étant exprimé opposé à des relations économiques et diplomatiques avec la Chine, qui selon lui ferait de l'ombre aux États-Unis.

En situation cruciale de crise économique, ce dernier ne pouvait se permettre de perdre un tel agent commercial, alors qu'il se situe au bord de la "falaise fiscale".

Il serait, d'un autre coté, incorrecte d'approprier à M. Obama tous ses votes comme des votes par élimination, par peur que M. Romney ne prennent la tête du pays.
Une grande majorité de ses électeurs croient avec ferveur à son projet de réduction du déficit (Bowles-Simpson Commission) qui consisterait en une hausse des taxes sur le revenu et une baisse des dépenses, et à son projet de diminution de chômage aussi (qui est actuellement d'environ 8%), ce qui expliquerait aussi sa réélection, puisqu’aucun président américain n'a été réélu avec un taux de chômage aussi élevé depuis Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Cependant les américains croient aussi en leur président, particulièrement depuis l'ouragan Sandy pendant lequel sa rapidité à prendre des mesures efficaces a contrasté avec l'échec de George Bush dans une situation similaire (ouragan Katrina en 2005), ce qui a provoqué un sentiment de confiance générale de la population en leur président.
C'est cette unité de la nation qui se fit voir lors de cette catastrophe naturelle qui poussa une partie d'entre elle à réélire son ancien président, pour un mandat de 4 ans, jusqu'en 2016.


Insults and Comebacks with style


“Ah, I understand—you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.”

“Last time you were at the beach Greenpeace tried to drag you back in the water.”

“To qualify for Napoleon’s complex, you’d need to grow six inches.”


“Your ensemble does a terrific job at maximizing your flaws.”


“If you spoke your mind, you’d be speechless.”

“If you can’t pronounce it, don’t say it.”


“There’s Mr. Right, there’s Mr. Wrong and then there’s you—Mr. Never Wrong.”

“You used to be arrogant and obnoxious. Now you’re the opposite—obnoxious and arrogant.”

“You remind me of one of those people in school that no one ever remembers.”


“Take a chill pill.”

“I’m blond. What’s your excuse?”

 “Here is a quarter--call someone who cares.”

“You’re a few French fries short of a Happy Meal.”

“If I promise to miss you, will you go away?”


Bessie Braddock: “Mr. Churchill, you are drunk!”

WC: “Yes, madam, and you are ugly. But in the morning, I will be sober.”


“You don’t need a weather man/To know which way the wind blows.”-Bob Dylan

“Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers.”-Nikita Khrushchev

“Le Coeur a ses raisons que la raison ignore.”- Blaise Pascal

“ Tout ce que je peux , je le ferais.”- Proverbe Francais.

“When it is the darkest, men see the stars.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

 Perles du LFCDG  2010/2011

§  “Hitler est nomme chevalier par Hidenburg.”-1ere
§  “La République est démocratique, sociale et monarchique.”-3eme
§  “Le bourrage de gueule (au lieu du bourrage de cranes.)”-1ere
§  “A la suite d’un gros malentendu Jésus est cloue par l’empire romain.”-2ndes
§  “Il est évident que “le Big Apple” deviendra un modele pour le reste du monde.”