Thursday, 14 March 2013

The Geek Page issue 2


Video Gaming Headlines

The epic war between the gaming’s world best First Person Shooters is, as we all know, a battle between Call of Duty and Battlefield

But who is the best? That’s what I will try to find out…
Call Of duty and Battlefield both point out a bit to the same thing… there’s a war, you’re a soldier…
(I can NOT compare Black Ops II to Battlefield 3 because they were not created in the same year… this would have made sense if Battlefield 4 had come out but it hasn’t)
Soo let’s start the challenge shall we?

 First off in graphics we have on one side Call of duty, which has always had ok quality. Of course, there is no comparison possible with Battlefield 3 which has top quality graphics. The maps are also bigger and better in Battlefield than in Call Of Duty.
Then we have the single player campaign.
It may be the only place where CoD actually beats Battlefield… Even though what you get in CoD resumes to “Slaughtering civilians in an airport, blowing up a little girl, and setting New York City under terrorist siege” (IGN) gamers obviously prefer that to the normal Battlefield experience.
Then we have the interesting stuff: The multiplayer experience.
There is so much to say on this but not much place to write so I’ll make it short.
We all know that instead of innovating their game CoD, Activison forces players to buy completely unimportant patches and results in the biggest online rip-off experience after World of Warcraft. I mean how much money will you waste to get an update that changes the main menu picture?
EA game’s Battlefield is innovative, has large maps and a better than ever gameplay that allows everyone to enjoy the game. You will need to pay for extra maps only and not useless updates.
The gameplay in CoD resumes to “I have a better level than you and a machine gun that can one shot you“ Level scaling is a HUGE problem in ALL FPS. The only difference is that in CoD you can have 10 people who’re going to shoot at you and eventually ends out in you winning because you have a weapon that is only unlocked level 45 blabla and you’ve played the game for two years…
This should NOT be possible. It isn’t in Battlefield anyways. In this game your kills all depend on your skills. Can you pilot a helicopter well? Do you know how to shoot from a tank or from a mounted machine gun? Those are the things that will determine whether or not you will play well on Battlefield. (of course you wouldn’t think that CoD would have implemented vehicles by now). Apart from that the gameplay stays pretty much the same: shoot or be shot.
Finally, there is the audience that plays the game that is important too.
Generally what you get is: On CoD, there are only kiddies who don’t know where to waste their pocket money, on Battlefield, there are more mature players who will work together as a team and actually have skill instead of being cannon fodders.
Conclusion: stop wasting your time –and money- on Call Of Duty.

Technology Headlines
Before you read this article, know that there is absolutely NO exaggeration between what is seen in this article and real life.
This article is a review of Apple’s iPod nano. But not any iPod nano, the 5th generation one.
Know that the “thing which shall not be named (again)” costs –rip oooooooooff- 249£ on amazon uk. Now, you might expect Apple to have made extraordinary changes for you to buy an iPod nano at such a price. I will now show you how wrong you are if you thought that.
There are spectacular changes compared to the previous iPod nanos. For example:
- There is now a camera. (which is useful because… oh wait, it’s NOT. Who takes pictures with an iPod? And even more an iPod Nano?)

- To that add speakers. Because you NEED speakers on a device constantly connected to headphones. By the way, you should never consider playing music with none attached if you don’t want to be tone deaf for the rest of your life.
- The volume scaling is… well it can’t get any worse (that’s the good point about this item, it’s so bad NOTHING could be worse, even Archos’s failed attempt to imitate Apple) Let’s just say a fifth of the volume changing bar actually changes the volume, the rest is there for show only.
- You can also count on the iPod Nano to change the volume of your songs when the song changes. Do you know that I now fear the moment when the song changes because I was tired of getting deafened by the damn thing.
- It also has a new function –or bug, it’s hard to know the difference when you review an Apple product- that makes the name of the song and the album art change when you press on the “next” button but not the song itself… Well, it’s your choice to see if you find it useful or not.
- Do you remember those old days when you had to spam the “next” button to get to the music you like? Well this time is over! For two reasons: first is that the touchpad is SO effective that you’ll spend more time trying to get to the song than actually listening to the song itself, and second because guess what, when you press on the “next” button, you now have 1 chance out of 5 for the iPod to directly skip two or even three songs, depending on it’s state of mind.
- Finally, who says extra useful features added, says shorter battery life. You wouldn’t think that they’d spend some of those 250 quid we spent on the iPod to actually buy suitable batteries but nooo, they obviously had better uses for that money (like making copies of the iPhone 4 and calling them iPhone 4S). So you have 4 hours of music listening and don’t even think of playing a game if you don’t want it to turn off after 10 minutes. (the iPod also has the capability to recharge it’s battery while it isn’t connected as I’ve seen the battery passing from red to green while I was looking at it.)
In conclusion: people will buy –expensive- shit as long as there’s a half eaten Apple on it.
School Headlines
Did you know there were more and more clubs created in the lycee? And that among them was a programming club? No? now you do.
Manga/Anime Headlines

One piece is a very interesting anime/manga. Weirdly enough, it is also the anime/manga that most people know (with Naruto, and even Bleach a bit further behind) but unlike Naruto, which is treated as “for small children”, One Piece isn’t that much criticised. Sadly though, the story isn’t all THAT great. So the manga is about a brainless boy named luffy who sets out on an adventure to find One Piece (Hence the name) -a legendary treasure left by the previous pirate king- and to become pirate king himself. The story is composed of arcs, each of different lengths depending on the importance of the story. But unfortunately, after 600 episodes, the anime started to deteriorate and the writer started to come up with completely stupid Ideas… for example, now when you watch an episode, you see some kind of transvestite gay dancing on a platform with drunk pirates looking at him as if he brought with him some kind of revelation… This is the moment when you say W.T.F. I mean, it’s only normal that after that much episodes, the story starts getting… weird. Look at Naruto, when you see it now, the story resumes to this: a good guy’s best friend who was supposed to be killed 20 years ago is actually the bad guy that’s been behind half the plotting and is now trying to turn all the inhabitants of ninja planet in walking veggies. Seriously? Anyways, One Piece has extended it’s life span but I think it’s time for it to go before it becomes completely ridiculous. Note that there are also serious likelihood problems: Luffy has special powers because he ate a RARE fruit. So why the hell is it that half the people he encounters ate fruits too? Also, depending on the episodes, his arm won’t be able to stretch as long, sometimes it’s only 2 or 3 meters, sometimes it’s 3 kilometres…
Art: 7/10 OST: 8/10 Storyline: 6/10 Emotionnal setting (comedy+sadness): 6/10 overall mark: 7/10. I recommend this to people have not much things to do and don’t know all the other good anime out there.

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