Sunday, 17 March 2013

Insults and Comebacks with style


“Ah, I understand—you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.”

“Last time you were at the beach Greenpeace tried to drag you back in the water.”

“To qualify for Napoleon’s complex, you’d need to grow six inches.”


“Your ensemble does a terrific job at maximizing your flaws.”


“If you spoke your mind, you’d be speechless.”

“If you can’t pronounce it, don’t say it.”


“There’s Mr. Right, there’s Mr. Wrong and then there’s you—Mr. Never Wrong.”

“You used to be arrogant and obnoxious. Now you’re the opposite—obnoxious and arrogant.”

“You remind me of one of those people in school that no one ever remembers.”


“Take a chill pill.”

“I’m blond. What’s your excuse?”

 “Here is a quarter--call someone who cares.”

“You’re a few French fries short of a Happy Meal.”

“If I promise to miss you, will you go away?”


Bessie Braddock: “Mr. Churchill, you are drunk!”

WC: “Yes, madam, and you are ugly. But in the morning, I will be sober.”


“You don’t need a weather man/To know which way the wind blows.”-Bob Dylan

“Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers.”-Nikita Khrushchev

“Le Coeur a ses raisons que la raison ignore.”- Blaise Pascal

“ Tout ce que je peux , je le ferais.”- Proverbe Francais.

“When it is the darkest, men see the stars.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

 Perles du LFCDG  2010/2011

§  “Hitler est nomme chevalier par Hidenburg.”-1ere
§  “La République est démocratique, sociale et monarchique.”-3eme
§  “Le bourrage de gueule (au lieu du bourrage de cranes.)”-1ere
§  “A la suite d’un gros malentendu Jésus est cloue par l’empire romain.”-2ndes
§  “Il est évident que “le Big Apple” deviendra un modele pour le reste du monde.”


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